Critical Analysis of Poetry


Septemeber 8, 2008

First, we used the poem "The Dragon of Grindly Grun" as a class.  Then, I assigned the poem "An Elementary School Class Room in a Slum" by Stephen Spender.  


September 9, 2008

With a partner, complete the Critical Analysis of Poetry using "An Elementary School Class Room in a Slum." 



Critical Analysis of Poetry

Step One

Read the poem three times:

1.    Silently for first impression

2.    Aloud, noting rhythm, literary devices, mood, voice

3.    Again, to adjust first impression


Step Two


Step Three

1.    How does the poet achieve the effect?  What creates the dominant impression?

2.    Look at the following:


Step Four

How do all these contribute to the total impact of the poem?  Summarize your findings.  How well does the poem do what it is doing?



 Critical Analysis of Poetry.doc